WTB: Analog sticks like on the dual-analog.


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So anyway, I am switching out the innards of my dual-analog with those of a dual-shock and the analog sticks aren't the best, they were designed to just sit in a totally round thing VS a flat one that prevents spinning.

Anyway, I want some LIKE them to keep the original look.

Do not want the ones off a XBAWKZ controller because the little nubs and I already have a controller I could take them out of if I wanted. :p

PICS! please.

Nice joysticks, and you can use the buttons and D-pad later I bet, for another project. and if not, it plugs in via USB, so you can probably use the analog stick-less controller for emulators for the many consoles that were devoid of analog control.
Of course, it will look like crap then, with the sticks ripped out, but...
Oh yeah, I don't have one to sell to you. I'm just linking you to walmart.
What kind of Xbox controller? The Duke, Controller S, or a 360? The first two I can understand, but looking at my 360 controller, the analog sticks it's got are probably as close as you're gonna get. They're pretty close in shape, plus they're rubber-coated so they'd probably be more comfortable and your thumbs wouldn't be slipping out of them. That would be my choice, anyways. Couple that with the Dual-Analog's extra-long handles and the DualShock's innards and you'd have one Segain' controller, I'd say.
Yeah I mean like on a 360 controller.

Sign, I suppose your right, I will just take the ones off the regular XBOX controller I have then... ;_;