Would this be worth buyin for making a portable?

Dang, I was about to be an asshole and buy that but then I realized there was $13 shipping :(
Ask if it has av inputs. If so, consider it. But keep in mind it may take a lot of amps and at the current price you might be better off getting a $25 3.5" ebay screen.
J.D said:
Dang, I was about to be an asshole and buy that but then I realized there was $13 shipping :(

Bush said:
Ask if it has av inputs. If so, consider it. But keep in mind it may take a lot of amps and at the current price you might be better off getting a $25 3.5" ebay screen.
It does have an AV input. There's a spec sheet on it.
But its a portable DVD player and a I read somewhere on here that I'd have to keep most of the old electronics in there... then try and figure out how to stuff a PS1 in there too.
Also not sure if it comes with the battery and AC adapter... those will probably be the deciding factor TBH.
has AV input, it is worth it IMO, pretty cheap, but consider the board of the screen is pretty big, since you have to keep the whole dvd player (without the disk drive), you may be able to reduce it's size if you know what you're doing, but you can fold the board, so it will never be bigger than the screen itself, i don't know if i'm making myself clear, i'd buy it if they shipped to europe