[WIP] Harshboy's GCp v2


Active Member
I am currently in the process of my second GCp. It will use a Polycase ZN-45 for it's casing, a Revision C Gamecube, and a 5" Sony PSone LCD Screen. I haven't done much yet but will start constructing it in the next few days. Unfortunately I am out of Hot Glue so I will not be able to put it together just yet.

I do not currently know what Battery I will use but until I do, it will just run off Wall Power via the Gamecube's Power Brick.

Progress: I am currently waiting for some FFC Cable, Switching Regulator, and bondo to arrive. Once I obtain these I will be able to get a majority of this project finished.

Day One:


Day Five:


This is so exciting!
I can see a well planned portable coming.
Will the DD be mounted like that on the back?
Argelfraster said:
This is so exciting!
I can see a well planned portable coming.
Will the DD be mounted like that on the back?

I hope not. I would think if it's mounted on the back it will be turned where the cd spindle is in the middle of the case, so you have room for your hands and triggers on the left/right side.
Argelfraster said:
Will the DD be mounted like that on the back?

No, once I get my FFC wire I will be able to locate the board inside the case and have the actual disk drive centered on the back. It will cut the height of it in half!

It will look sexy :cool:
Harshboy said:
Argelfraster said:
Will the DD be mounted like that on the back?

No, once I get my FFC wire I will be able to locate the board inside the case and have the actual disk drive centered on the back. It will cut the height of it in half!

It will look sexy :cool:

Nice layout man!

I got my battery, balance charger, and more in the mail today. The battery and charger are working great! Unfortunately, I won't be able to make any progress seeing as my only soldering iron decided to die a few days ago. I bought a new one yesterday so hopefully it will get here before Christmas.

In case anyone is wondering, the battery I am using is this one. Unlike those stupid blue 9800 mAh batteries on eBay, this battery actually provides a decent amount of amps. To charge this battery, I bought a cheap Balance Charger off of DealExtreme and I'm having no problems whatsoever.

Also, I am using this switching regulator to power the PSone Screen. It works great and is simple to use.

I'll post another update when I can actually get some work done.
I'm bored so I guess I'll post the only progress I made since my last post. I cut up the ZN-45 and placed in two parts of the controller shell. Since I currently do not have any hot glue or bondo, I cannot make it look pretty. Use your imagination ;)


Yeah, still waiting for my DX stuff...takes forever ::3: