Windows Phone 7


Breaker of Everything
Staff member
I know like 2/3 of the forums here use Android, but is there anyone out there running WP7? I'm about to be getting a new phone, and I was wondering if it's worth it to grab a wp7 phone.
I'm not really huge on apps and internet here... I would go with a non-smartphone, but most of my options there are complete flax, and I can get a smartphone for the same price or cheaper.

Anyway, My big things here are how does it handle text messaging and calls, and how clearly does it notify you of these things?

Also, can anyone give me a non-opensourcegooglefanboy reason to go with android over WP7?

FYI: I'm with AT&T, and want either a HTC or Samsung phone. Likely the Samsung Focus.
Ive not used WP7, but it doesnt really impress me. As for a nongooglefangirl reason to use android: Userbase. The large userbase ensures there are many applications and a great hacking scene. (I dont care if you arent huge on apps, you will be using plenty of em once you can)
Honestly, after actually seeing WP7 in action and what they are bringing to the table in the near future, its something to keep an eye on. Seems very cool, and might actually be a much bigger contender in a year or so when the OS and app market mature.

However at least for right now, Android is the way to go. Not only is it much more mature and includes more convenient features built-in, but like Sam said, the Android Market is far more developed at the moment, so you'd have a lot more to choose from. Even iOS (although being very locked down and forcing you to either jailbreak or wait for Apple's updates) would be a good choice. I'd only really recommend it if you're interested in the sheer amount of games/apps it offers though, because its not quite as desktop-like as Android.
iOS is an absolute NO for me. I refuse to install the taint that is iTunes on my computer.

The thing is, it's an upgrade, so I have to keep with what I have for at least two years, or grab a gophone.
So, in the long run, do you think it would be worth it to play the part of early adopter and grab a wp7 phone, or just get an android one like everyone else I know?

btw, that's another reason for me to stay away from android. I don't see it as being worth it to be put on CONSTANT tech support for it. Could be wrong, but I don't think so.
I'd have to say Android. Windows 7 could be great or it could fail epically, but you know Android is good now.
I just HAD to be different...

Just got my WP7 phone in the mail today... Thinking I'll go back the go phone.


Although. The whole threaded text messaging thing is worth keeping.

It's a sexy piece of hardware, but I coulda got the same thing as android as a galaxy S phone.

Settings-wise, it absolutely sucks. My cheapie touch gimmickphone was better in the way of options. HOWEVER it's really easy to maneuver, and kinda keeps to the promise of their advertising, in that I DO find myself spending less time trying to work my phone. However, the way it does this is in that I don't want to touch it because everything about it sucks so bad. I'm also disappointed in the lack of blinking lights on it. I like blinking lights, this phone has none.

More thoughts later, when I've learned a bit more about it, and when I can actually compile said thoughts in a meaningful manner.

Text messaging is exactly what I was hoping for.
Phone part is fairly easy to use, for a touchphone.
Easy to navigate compared to android.
Tells you in big characters when somethings up.

No hidden ssid's mean no wifi for me.
No sensitivity options
I can't get any kinda app download to work, lacks familiar apps from ipod/android stores.

Once again, this may all change once I get the hang of it, but right now, cons are severely outweighing pros.
ttsgeb said:
No hidden ssid's mean no wifi for me.
I assume you're just talking about your home wifi, right? You might be able to show the ssid, connect your phone to it, rehide the ssid, and the phone will still remember it. I seem to remember having to do that with something, and it worked after I hid the ssid.
actually, the ssid is not hidden, but invalid for broadcast, so... er... It's difficult, and not worth risking breakage of 20 other things using our wireless to try.
So, I'm at the library because our power got cut out, and I have to say, I'm actually rather satisfied with the browser. Yes, it's a pain to type anything out, but that is true of all phones. I'm also happy to report that there was no issue connecting to the WiFi here. Now, to see what battery life is like.
After a couple of weeks of use, I'm really loving this phone. It "just works" more than any apple product I've ever used. It has just the right amount of customization available, and the zune integration is amazing. Anytime I plug it into my computer(like I do to charge it every night), it copies over all my pictures, and can put music on the phone with no more thought than drag and drop WITHIN the program.

As far as apps go, I use them about as much as I thought I would, occasionally playing Helicopter when I'm bored. I initially tried to find the apps I was familiar with from iOS and Android, but couldn't find any of them. That's a big downside, especially if you are the kind of person that uses games and apps constantly. However, the ones available are decent, and feel that when/if WP7 becomes commonplace, we will see more ports from iOS and Android (see: early adopters for Android).

Navigation is *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing easy. It's incredible. Navigating this makes Android and iOS feel like DOS w/o a keyboard. Seriously, it's that good.

Hardwarewise, this phone is great. It has an amazing OLED screen, and any movie I throw at it just looks incredible. I have not experienced any lag whatsoever doing anything on this phone, and pictures turn out much better than your average smartphone.