Will this screen work for a GCp

buckykatt321 said:
zeturi said:
It has the same guts as a psone screen. Good luck!
Oh I just found the battery in my old laptop that's 10.8V 4000mAh do you know how long would the life be if I used it?

10.8v would be about 1600mAh of draw. So, if my math is correct, you would get about 2.4 hours of battery life.

1600mAh (Gamecubes overall power draw) + 166.66667mAh (screen, speakers, fan) = 1666.666667mAh

4000mAh / 1666.666667mAh = 2.4 hours of battery life.

If I made a mistake somewhere, someone please let me know.
Tchay said:
buckykatt321 said:
zeturi said:
It has the same guts as a psone screen. Good luck!
Oh I just found the battery in my old laptop that's 10.8V 4000mAh do you know how long would the life be if I used it?

10.8v would be about 1600mAh of draw. So, if my math is correct, you would get about 2.4 hours of battery life.

1600mAh (Gamecubes overall power draw) + 166.66667mAh (screen, speakers, fan) = 1766.66667mAh

4000mAh / 1766.6667mAh = 2.26 hours of battery life.

If I made a mistake somewhere, someone please let me know.

Not a significant difference, but fix'd.
Tchay said:
buckykatt321 said:
zeturi said:
It has the same guts as a psone screen. Good luck!
Oh I just found the battery in my old laptop that's 10.8V 4000mAh do you know how long would the life be if I used it?

10.8v would be about 1600mAh of draw. So, if my math is correct, you would get about 2.4 hours of battery life.

1600mAh (Gamecubes overall power draw) + 166.66667mAh (screen, speakers, fan) = 1666.666667mAh

4000mAh / 1666.666667mAh = 2.4 hours of battery life.

If I made a mistake somewhere, someone please let me know.
Wow thanks man your defiantly alot smarter than me well Im set except for the screen it's taking awhile to get here
Tchay said:
buckykatt321 said:
zeturi said:
It has the same guts as a psone screen. Good luck!
Oh I just found the battery in my old laptop that's 10.8V 4000mAh do you know how long would the life be if I used it?

10.8v would be about 1600mAh of draw. So, if my math is correct, you would get about 2.4 hours of battery life.

1600mAh (Gamecubes overall power draw) + 166.66667mAh (screen, speakers, fan) = 1666.666667mAh

4000mAh / 1666.666667mAh = 2.4 hours of battery life.

If I made a mistake somewhere, someone please let me know.

Well the Gamecube draws 1500mA at 12v so yea about 1600mA at 10.8v.

But the Psone screen unmodded draws 700mA

So 1600mA + 700mA = 2300mA

4000mAh / 2300mA = 1.74 hours of battery life :)
Wow guys, my bad. I screwed up those battery life calculations (kinda sad considering I will be subbing in for a high school math class tomorrow) :oops:

3.5" screen = 416.666667mAh
GC @ 10.8v = 1600mAh
fan and speakers = ??? (no more than 100mAh I'm guessing)

total = 2116.6666667mAh of power that needs supplying.

4000/2116.666667mAh = 1.8898 hours of battery life

Once again, this only applies to Gamecube portable running off a 3.5" screen, modest sound amp, and 10.8v batteries at 4000mAh.

Yes, the gamecube is a power hog just like our current Congress.