Wiikey Fusion Recovery Image 1.2


Well-Known Member
Could anyone explain to me how to use this?
I downloaded DD for windows but I don't understand how it works and the guide included in de Recovery Image is hard for me to understand as I'm not from an English speaking country.

I open dd.exe and type "dd --list" but nothing happens???? What am I doing wrong?

Any Help wil be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance
Grts, Bakuku
Ok got it to work. Hoorah!

But still need to know how to unmount a Device.

Should be "in my case":
C:\WKF\dd\dd --unmount=G:\
(G:\ being my SD card)
Could anyone please explain me how to use dd for windows.

I got to the point where I can deduce wich Media to write to.
I unmounted the device via diskmanager in windows.

But when I enter the command dd if=wkf_recover_1_2.iso of=?\DeviceHarddisk1Partition0 bs=1M
it says error opening outputfile: 123 syntaxis of the filename, mapname or volumename is incorrect

Thanks in advance