Storm GameCube by Stormower


Hi everybody, I hope you're fine !
I planned to make a portable GameCube some years ago but I was too young to success so I did not try.
But now, I am 16, and I'm in 1ere S SI.
(1ere is the second year of high-school, S means Scientist and SI is engineering sciences.)
First of all, I must say I'm am another french, and my english is not perfect... but I think you can understand me, because I learnt English at school.

So, it will not be a "portable" GameCube, because I havn't enough money for battery, but it will be transportable.
I opened the GameCube with a BIC pen (removing 3 screws and bruteforcing the 4th ^^)
I extracted everything the GameCube doesn't need, like all the ports except the Power port (it's an DOL001...), the port for the CD reader and the port for image and sound.

I put the console in a 19*12,5cm box, like a shoes box but very littlier.
It's a CELIO box that makes rainbow with light.
I don't want to hack the controller because it's the most difficult and I will need it to play Smash Brothers on Wii U. In addition, for SSBM it's better to play with friends.
So I kept the pad port, I just changed his LED for a White one.
I added 2*4 LED branch the fan and I changed the thermal past.
I cut the box so we can open it like a laptop and I did a Hole in the right to put the pad port.

So I will call it Storm GameCube or something similar to show that it's very fast to play, you just have to plug it on electricity and turn on.
I will buy a 7" tft lcd and put it like the screen of a laptop.
ex: ... 19ed5b2f5e
I will buy a wiikey fusion or something similar to load games from SD card.

The GameCube still work, but I will have some questions and need some help...
Can I buy a clone of wiikey fusion ?
How to find it cheap in France ?
It seems hard to solder under the consol so I planned to cut the CD reader port and just solder wiikey fusion on the pins, it is possible and easier ?
What speakers to use and how to make a jack plug ?
I have the two speakers of a Beats Headset broken but I have no amplifier...
Does the wiikey fusion include virtual memory card ? (I really hope...)
Can I put a GameCube game on a normal DVD to test ?

So the project is frozen until I don't have wiikey fusion and screen, and it will be difficult because my parents don't support me and we can only find this on internet...
I will probably ask a friend to buy it for me.

Thanks for reading and for any help.
I hope my English is not too bad and the project is interresting.
I will post photos later.

Salut! Il y a le site de assentek qui vend des wiikey fusions officielles, et il est basé en France, pour les clones de ce que j'en sais, ça fonctionne mais je ne sais pas où les acheter... Sinon oui bien évidemment tu peux souder directement sur les pins, si tu t'en sens capable c'est très faisable! Pour les speakers je te conseille d'acheter le iluv isp100 ... B001ET6P8M

Très bon speakers et ampli pour le prix!

Pour le jack, regarde sur les sticky gamecube, n64 etc... peut importe la console c'est le même principe!

Non la wiikey fusion n'a pas de mémoire interne, elle ne remplace que le lecteur, donc elle sauvegarde les jeux sur une carte mémoire normale!

Non tu ne peux pas mettre un lecteur dvd normal sur une gamecube, celui de gamecube est fait spécifiquement pour lire les jeux de gamecube!

Sinon pour acheter sur internet, je suis du québec et ici on a des cartes prépayés visa et mastercard, je suis sur que vous avez la même chose en France, dans les pharmacies ou autre!

There's Assentek for buying real wiikey, straight from France, for clones I don't know where to buy them, but from what I know, it's surely working! In fact yes you can solder straight to the pins, if you're confident enough to do it, it will work fine!

For speakers you can use iluv isp100 ... B001ET6P8M

Really good speakers and amp for the price!

For the audio jack, look at the mega-sticky on gamecube, n64... it's always the same way, so you'll find a tutorial on that.

And no, the wiikey fusion doesn't have an internal memory, it just replaces the dvd drive, so you still need a memory card!

And no, actually I am pretty sure you can't use a normal dvd drive to read gamecube discs.
Salut ! Sa fait plaisir de voir qu'il y a du francophone dans les parages !
Merci pour le site Assentek, mais ils sont en rupture de stock et j'ai trouvé des wiikey fusion 10€ moins cher ici: ... usion.html
Pour la souder c'est le plus dur je pense... je vais essayer sur les soudures derrière et si je n'y arrive pas je coupe le connecteur du lecteur CD et je soude sur les pins.
Pour le DVD je parlais de mettre un disque normal dans le lecteur sans coque, je crois que c'est posssible.

Par contre l'idée des speakers pour iPhone c'est juste parfait, merci.

Je pense que pour le jack comme pour le shéma des soudures de la puce, je vais en effet trouver sur le forum :)

Mais pour les cartes mémoire de la GameCube, il n'y a pas moyen de la remplacer par un fichier sur la carte SD ? J'ai arraché les ports cartes memoire de ma console...

En France on a les paysafecard dans les bars, faut que je vois si paypayl les prends...

Merci de l'aide !


Hi ! [...]
Thanks for the website, but I found real wiikey fusion for 35€ here. ... usion.html
To solder it, I think it will be the most difficult thing... I will try at the back of the motherboard and if it's too difficult, I will cut the CD reader port and try to solder on the pins.

For the DVD, the question is if we can read normal disks with the GameCube CD reader. I think I've seen some persons doing that, whithout case.

The idea of iPhone speakers is perfect, thank you !

I think I can find pictures of how to solder wiikey and do the jack, thanks.
For the memory cards, can we emulate one on the SD card ? I doesn't have memory card ports anymore :(

In France, we have PaySafe card, I will see if paypal accept it...

Thanks for helping ! :)
D'accord, je comprends pour le lecteur dvd, bien sur que c'est possible! À l'époque il se vendait des adapteurs plus larges pour mettre des disque gravés normal 12cm, et la coque ne se fermait pas, alors sans problème!

Sinon pour la carte mémoire, on parle de soudure directement du board de la carte mémoire à la motherboard de la cube:


Sinon oui les paysafecard fonctionnent sans problème normalement!

Ok I understand now for the dvd drive, sure it's possible! Years ago there was adaptors so you can use regular sized burned dvds in a cube, while having the lid open, so it will work!

For the memory card, you can solder the memory card board directly to the mobo of the cube:

Ok merci c,est parfait pour tester.
La carte mémoire j'en ai une de Wii elles doivent avoir le max de blocks je vais la souder.

Les PaySafe card, aucun moyen de les mettre sur Paypal...
Je vais lier ma propre carte bancaire, ma mère va péter un câble mais tant pis...

Thanks, I will test GameCube with a DVD.
For the memory card, I have one White for the Wii, it should have the max of blocks, I will solder it.

And PaySafe card isn't good for Paypal... So I will put my own credit card, my mother will be hungr, but *Can'tSayThisOnTV*....
Sinon pour acheter un WKF il y a arcalide, je les ai toujours acheté la.

Si tu as vraiment des problemes pour un acheter un sur internet, j'en ai un stock chez moi, je peux toujours t'en passer un si tu n'est pas loin de la région parisienne.

Bonne chance pour ta GCp

Aussi, Regarde bien, ton ecran a une définition foireuse (480*324) ca va etre assez moche en 7 pouces, je te conseille de mettre un peu plus d'argent la dedans et d'en acheter un meilleur.
Oui j'habite près de Paris, à Herblay dans le 95.
Si il y possibilité que tu me fournisse une WF pas cher franchement je suis carrément partant, on se voit à une gare. Je vais t'envoyer mon 06 en PM.

Pour l'écran je croyais que la connectique RCA montait que jusqu'à 480p seulement et que donc 380p c'était vachement bien. Mais si c'est de la merde je peux mettre un petit peu plus de sous, surtout si j'économise sur la wiikey. Sinon peut etre que celui là est meilleur: ... 417fcb4a7a edit: en fait non c'est la même...

Et je vais souder une micro sd pour servir de carte mémoire

I am unable to upload photos now but I am making memory videos of the project.
It's very low quality (VERY LOW) but it explains the projects so it's cool.
I will do a 720p video when it will be finished, in French AND English.
Je regrette deja ce que je viens de te dire, desole mais au final avec tous les projets que j'ai lance il ne m'en reste que 2, et je vais en avoir besoin :s

Aussi, ton ecran n'es pas nul, si tu penses que ca suffit, prends ca, je voulais juste etre sur que tu avais bien remarque la definition, qui est la moitie de ce que peut sortir la gc
Hi guys !
I purchased the wiikey fusion, I will receive it Sunday or Monday.
I purchased the screen too, and I will receive it wednesday I think.
Now I just need an amplifier, I have the speaker.
So the most difficult thing will be to solder the wiikey fusion, but I will try , and if I success, the project will be easy to finish.
Thanks for helping !
Hi guys !
I'm waiting for the WKF, it should come soon, and the screen should come Tuesday or Wednesday.
I am preparing my SD cards.
I used WBFS to put the 1.5 update on the SD card I will use for the wiikey, and I am Downloading Super Smash Bros Melee (I have the original CD)

I want to use a SD to µSD adapter to use a µSD as a memory card, thanks to Ashen's guide. But I don't know if I have to format it in Fat32, WBFS or another one...
Does somebody know ?
All my memory card are in Portugal so I cannot just soler it on the motherbord, I need to solder the SD....

When I will be able, I will do a video of the prject finished, in Enflish and in French, and maybe post in on Youtube.
Hi guys !
I hope you're fine.
In France it's holidays, so it's time for me to do things like playing music, loose time on computer and... Make my StormCube !
So I received screen and it works, as you can see here:
Screen working
I can directly solder the screen on the mobo without any resistor it works perfectly :)
In this test I put the sound on a big amplifier but I have this sound system that I will integrate to the GameCube:

Click for full size
The amplifier needs 5V. I will try to get it on the GameCube if I find where.

I will integrate a USB port with this 5V so we will be able to load a phone on the StormCube

I received my wiikey fusion too... And it's seams to be very hard to solder... I will obviously need an adapter to convert the ffc 32 pins to something bigger. I don't really know where to buy it, maybe eBay x)
And with chance and patience I will maybe solder this wkf. It will be the harder thing to do.

If I success (I hope) I will make a box with Autodesk Inventor and send it to a society that print it in 3D for me. It can be beautiful and a lot better than the actual box that sucks.

There will be 2 or 3 fans and white and blue LED.

Son, what do you think of my project ? Any suggestion, question or help ?
