Active Member
Hey peeps!
I was just wondering if anyone knew of the compatibility of Wii U pro controllers:
with those of the Wii U Gamepad:
I know by looking at pics that the shoulder/trigger buttons are significantly different, but the others look identical, and am hoping that someone would know if the face buttons from the pro controller match up with the gamepad ones. Reason is that I have some Wii U gamepad shells (just shells and nothing else) that I plan on making frankencasing and am hoping on reusing the same layout of the buttons without needing to change the holes at all. I'd rather know now if they are the same than get a couple $30-40 controllers to strip and find out they don't match. Trying to save some money there lol.
If anyone knows Please post!
I was just wondering if anyone knew of the compatibility of Wii U pro controllers:

with those of the Wii U Gamepad:

I know by looking at pics that the shoulder/trigger buttons are significantly different, but the others look identical, and am hoping that someone would know if the face buttons from the pro controller match up with the gamepad ones. Reason is that I have some Wii U gamepad shells (just shells and nothing else) that I plan on making frankencasing and am hoping on reusing the same layout of the buttons without needing to change the holes at all. I'd rather know now if they are the same than get a couple $30-40 controllers to strip and find out they don't match. Trying to save some money there lol.
If anyone knows Please post!