Who can help me for my "GameCube" ?


I would mod my GameCube and I don't know how must I do for... It's not hard but I can't follow the Kasar's topic! Have you a video or another topic than Kasar's for? Thanks you very much. :wink:

Ps: How can I hack my screen and my controllers simply? Please, bring to me a video or some pictures. Finally, I have a last question, in the GameCube's system, how can I bring some modifications for haven't a cubic system like the GameCube? (It's for the case)

Read the stikies man!
A lot of info, pics, manuals, videos etc inside stickies.
You need to learn basics(like kasar's guide) and you can see that is not much difficult to make your own portable.

Here viewtopic.php?f=36&t=793

Good Luck!!! ;)
Thanks so much for all informations! But... I haven't any screen, only my psp's fat screen!

In the mega sticky, i have read that it's possible? How?