Which PSU and Harddrive for my xbox slim?

That PSU is rated for less than the xbox's supply is. Doesn't mean that it won't work, just that it might not. Also, you'd need a converter to use it with the xbox.

As far as a drive goes, you'd be better off grabbing a SATA drive and converter at this point. You'll be paying far too much for a IDE drive, and won't get something nearly as reliable.
Ok first things first scrap the softmod. Get a 1.0 or 1.1 xbox and tsop it, possibly splitting the tsop into two banks if needed.

when it comes to psu, yeah pico is probably the most used. It's got to be really strong on the 5v if I recall correctly. I also recommend a sata adapter and hard drive. If you really want to go small go with a ziff drive and adapter.