Where should I start?

Hey guys, my name is Connor. I'm a gamer and a fan of consoles old and new. One night, I stumbled upon videos of handheld console mods, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Well I've been looking at buildlogs and tutorials for the past few days, just lurking. I really want to start making console mods, specifically handheld/portable mods. There's just so much going on that I don't know where to start. I have basic skills and knowledge dealing with electronics, but I could definitely learn more, and I would like to do just that. I think modding consoles would be a great thing to do to keep me busy in my free time (idle hands make the devil's work after all,) and would help me learn more and become better at things dealing with electronics in a fun and rewarding way.

I am just a kid though, so maybe this really isn't the thing for me, maybe it's too difficult and frustrating. I'm sure it will be a challenge in the beginning, but with lots of practice and maybe a bit of guidance, I will hopefully grow in my abilities. I hope to one day create a modded handheld gamecube similar to Ashen's, but creating one looks so difficult (and I'm sure it is,) I don't see that project happening anytime soon.

So with minimal funds, and lacking skills, where should I start? Or should I just forget it and move on?

Any input or advice will be read seriously, and is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and thoughts. I look forward to meeting the community. :D
Welcome! Making portables is a pretty fun hobby. However, NOBODY is going to want to explain to you how to do it. :p You'll gain a lot of respect here if you learn how to look at the stickied topics for information, and read other people's build logs to see how things are done. Of course we're happy to answer any questions, just make sure you post it in the right place. :)

Welcome to the forums!