What's in my gamecube?? (modchip related)


Xeno gc, both v1.0 and v2.0 are supposed to have red and green indicator lights, "where watever is in my gamecube" appears to have orange and red.

red= reading disk. etc.
orange = disk was successfully read. (what green typically means)

only, there's more. you would think that someone would know wat kind of chip is in their own console, but when i opened up my gamecube and looked at the chip, it matched the photos i've seen of the xeno gc, yet it can't be. when i hold down any of those special hotkeys like, <press start> as it starts up to show what's on the disk, etc. it doesn't do that. so anyone know wats happening?

There's actually more to this, but my hands are too tired at the moment to continue typing...sad i no.
When I i put a disk in the orange will flicker on and off and the red will show up for a few seconds and then the orange will start up soon afterward, if the disk is readable.

Another thing, I've adjusted my pot without touching the chip at all (no clue if it matters whether I do or not) by turning it about 1/4 the way around counter-clockwise and saw no change, disks that didn't work before, still wouldn't work, and disk that would just have random DREs, still had them in them same general areas in the game, they did before. So I turn it another 1/4 the way around, still counter-clockwise to find that now none of my games work.

I tried turning it 3/4 clockwise from that point and saw that disks were getting DRE's way earlier than normal, so I think I'm screwed. Those Canadians really did it to me this time. Though I can't blame them for everything that happened, I guess. I have (as you can see) terrible karma. :cry4:

Are people still puzzled, because normally I will get a single reply, but I'll get over it seeing as I'm really stumped at this point myself.
I would laugh, but i'm just so hurt that the canadians would do this to me, I mean I gave them american money! shouldn't they like, treasure that or something? just kidding, but seriously gocybershop online...why you do this to someone who buys your gamecube service about 3 years after people stopped putting chips in them? I should say that to them and not random people in a forum oh wait, they won't pick up! *sigh*
Joeyjoe9876 said:
this is why you buy and install the modchip yourself. lol

you wouldn't believe how crappy i felt after failing to install the same chip twice, and when you can't do something yourself, you either try again, or google your problem and look for a safe solution. or not. however thats basically what I did, and look how that turned out... again *big, overly-dramatic sigh*