What to do with extra polystyrene?


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I have a ton of extra poly styrene laying around from vacuum forming. I was wondering if it would make a good abs replacement for making abs cement. Just mixing polystyrene with acetone.

To me it sounds like it should work but correct me if I'm wrong.
Easiest way to find out for sure would be try it. If the acetone makes it gummy and sticky, but it still hardens once the acetone evaporates, it works. There is styrene in ABS. The full name of it is Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene.
I was already trying it and I took out a gob and it was in the drying process when I posted the question.

That's what I figured when I was making the stuff, it just dissolves the plastic around it with it and becomes one piece, so far it seems to be working, the glob is still a bit soft but it's drying.

Thanks tibia.
I'd be interested in seeing pics of your results, if you don't mind. Even if it needs a day to cure, the end result ought to be pretty much as strong as possible.
Tried it, didn't work so well. Dried almost instantly when it came out, wouldn't stick to anything but itself, and there was more acetone than plastic so it was supposed to be as runny as possible.

Bottom line: doesn't work.