What SNES Item is this?


Active Member
Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

I have a cart for my PAL SNES which I was given, and for the past 8+ years, I've had no idea how to use it, since I never needed to learn.

Says "Super Power" on the front

You may be able to see "Super Power" Better in this image

Cartridge slots

Front of cart

View of underside
P.S. Had to be edited because people from church had their name on it.

And another showing the cart slots ( and Mario :mrgreen: )

So if anyone knows, it'd help if you'd share your knowledge. :tophat:

Thanks in advance.
Bought one myself a while back. Always assumed it was for playing foreign games on a SNES but never had any US games to test it with.
I believe it is used to play games from other region. Put a PAL cart in the back slot (the one with only part of the slot) and a Japanese or American cart in the front slot. Basically it connects the lockout chip in the SNES to the lockout chip in the PAL cart instead of the other one. It'll work with most, but not all games.

Don't quote me on that. Any of that. It's mostly just a (good) guess.