What should I get my girlfriend?


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Been dating steadily for nearly a year now. What do I get her? I have a few things in mind, but want your input.

Information about her: She is quirky, a hopeless romantic, and a weaboo.

Any thoughts? What have you guys gotten for girls in the past?
- "The Princess Bride" assuming you too haven't watched it and also that she doesn't own it (both of which would surprise me)


- A pillow
Tchay said:
- "The Princess Bride" assuming you too haven't watched it and also that she doesn't own it (both of which would surprise me)


- A pillow

I got that movie for free for a bingo prize. Looks like its awful, but apparently is a popular chick flick or something.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
Tchay said:
- "The Princess Bride" assuming you too haven't watched it and also that she doesn't own it (both of which would surprise me)


- A pillow

I got that movie for free for a bingo prize. Looks like its awful, but apparently is a popular chick flick or something.
Plus it stars Andre the Giant.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
Tchay said:
- "The Princess Bride" assuming you too haven't watched it and also that she doesn't own it (both of which would surprise me)


- A pillow

I got that movie for free for a bingo prize. Looks like its awful, but apparently is a popular chick flick or something.
It's an awesome movie. Watch it.
I have not seen it, but she has, and loves it and owns it. :(

I am currently working on some white tritium and silver earrings.
I dunno Palmer, Tritium is some cool stuff, but you don't want to expose her to too much radiation.

I also third the idea of the steampunk rose. I've seen your work before, craftiness is definitely a strong skill of yours.
Zet, have you seen the tritium necklace I made her? I don't think I ever posted it, actually. It was shielded, but IDK, might be too heavy for earrings.

And I gave that steampunk rose idea to SS a few days ago. :p I might do that, it could be pretty cool!
Just cut copper sheets to petal shapes and bend them to curve in a rose shape, then use some sort of aluminum solid-core wire for the stem, and copper leaves. Glue together with superglue.