What happened to the Retro Duo?


Not a Meme™
Staff member
The Retro Duo has been sold out everywhere online for like a year now with no ETA! :gonk:
I've been wanting one for ages! :cry4:
Anyone know what happened to it?
Its maker, Retro-Bit hardly seems to exist online.
Look for the FC-Twin. Same thing, but it can be made smaller, and it uses less power.
I remember those, used to be sold at one of my old local play-n-trades(closed down, lol), and I think I've seen a few in VG-related shops at flea markets.

Actually I was looking for one to play games, not for portablizing. They have FC Twins at my local Game X Change, but I've heard bad things about FC Twin and good about Retro Duo.
Hackerbilly said:
What are you talking about my 2 local Game X Changes has like 10 or 15 of them.

Mine doesn't sell RD, only FC. All the online stores are sold out is what I'm saying.
Weird your's doesn't sell any RDs and Mine does.
Well,Then again mine isn't your average game x change.
Sorry to bump, but Thinkgeek removed it from their site. IMO, that's not a good sign. :cry4: