ModRetro Legend
So, one year after I asked the question of whether an old iMac G3 could be turned into a modern PC, it's finally built.
The screen is a 15" Dell LCD. Has a new IO panel with 4 USB, HDMI, and gigabit ethernet. Webcam where the microphone was, new microphone is a few inches to the side, both work. New DVD writer, works. AMD A6-5400K and 8GB of DDR3-1600. Big blue LED Bitfenix Spectre Pro fan for cooling. It also has wireless-N but I prefer not to use it.
It has a few issues- the audio amp is a noisy piece of flax and needs to be replaced. The hard drive is slow as Heck and really loud- I'll probably replace it with a hybrid drive when Seagate launches their 3.5" ones. But it works well enough- it was originally intended as a lanparty machine and runs everything my friends and I play fine, and also Skyrim. Runs cool if you don't cover up the vent like I did- then it smells like burning.
It's an LCD because I hate CRTs (I'm one of those people very sensistive to flicker) and it's next to impossible to fit a PC in the bottom of a slotloader- all the original CRT builds I've seen are trayloaders. I'm running Windows 7 because I hate Mac OS X and all our games are for Windows- like I said, lanparty machine.
Worklog, such as it is, is here: viewtopic.php?f=41&t=10647

The screen is a 15" Dell LCD. Has a new IO panel with 4 USB, HDMI, and gigabit ethernet. Webcam where the microphone was, new microphone is a few inches to the side, both work. New DVD writer, works. AMD A6-5400K and 8GB of DDR3-1600. Big blue LED Bitfenix Spectre Pro fan for cooling. It also has wireless-N but I prefer not to use it.
It has a few issues- the audio amp is a noisy piece of flax and needs to be replaced. The hard drive is slow as Heck and really loud- I'll probably replace it with a hybrid drive when Seagate launches their 3.5" ones. But it works well enough- it was originally intended as a lanparty machine and runs everything my friends and I play fine, and also Skyrim. Runs cool if you don't cover up the vent like I did- then it smells like burning.
It's an LCD because I hate CRTs (I'm one of those people very sensistive to flicker) and it's next to impossible to fit a PC in the bottom of a slotloader- all the original CRT builds I've seen are trayloaders. I'm running Windows 7 because I hate Mac OS X and all our games are for Windows- like I said, lanparty machine.
Worklog, such as it is, is here: viewtopic.php?f=41&t=10647