N64 Portable on a Spanish Forum
12v, 6.8Ah battery
7" TFT screen
Built-in expansion pack
Built-in rumble pack with 2 vibration motors
Can optionally plug in a memory pack on the back
Built-in charge circuit, so you only need to connect a voltage source to charge
First off, this guy is a frankencasing GOD. Like, no kidding. Here's what he started with:
And ends up with this:
There's a lot of inbetween pics as well. I encourage you to take a look.
Second, you don't need that much heatsink. He used only this and the shielding for the heatsink.
Third, parts placement. Here's the battery pack taken apart and placed on the back of the screen:
All the parts are attached in one big bundle:
This whole thing is the entire portable.
Fourth, DAT CASE.
He says he joined the plastic with superglue and reinforced it with Pattex Plastic Interior.
He says he used "BASF" for the filler, but it looks like it's just Bondo.
He used PVC pipe for the curved parts on the back. That's a pretty smart idea.
Fifth, modularity. He used screwposts for the controls, and Molex connectors for just about everything. This would make it very easy to replace something if it breaks. Also note the use of screws to hold the guts together in the pictures above.
Overall, an awesome portable. I want to see this kind of stuff being made here. Have some finished pics and a video link:
And in case you were wondering, this isn't another portablizing forum. It's an "inventing" forum. This guy just decided to make an N64 handheld.
12v, 6.8Ah battery
7" TFT screen
Built-in expansion pack
Built-in rumble pack with 2 vibration motors
Can optionally plug in a memory pack on the back
Built-in charge circuit, so you only need to connect a voltage source to charge
First off, this guy is a frankencasing GOD. Like, no kidding. Here's what he started with:

And ends up with this:

There's a lot of inbetween pics as well. I encourage you to take a look.
Second, you don't need that much heatsink. He used only this and the shielding for the heatsink.

Third, parts placement. Here's the battery pack taken apart and placed on the back of the screen:

All the parts are attached in one big bundle:

This whole thing is the entire portable.

Fourth, DAT CASE.
He says he joined the plastic with superglue and reinforced it with Pattex Plastic Interior.

He says he used "BASF" for the filler, but it looks like it's just Bondo.

He used PVC pipe for the curved parts on the back. That's a pretty smart idea.

Fifth, modularity. He used screwposts for the controls, and Molex connectors for just about everything. This would make it very easy to replace something if it breaks. Also note the use of screws to hold the guts together in the pictures above.

Overall, an awesome portable. I want to see this kind of stuff being made here. Have some finished pics and a video link:

And in case you were wondering, this isn't another portablizing forum. It's an "inventing" forum. This guy just decided to make an N64 handheld.