so my memory card shuts off my gamecube. :wtf: NOT AMUSED!!! Gonna redo it tomorrow ,it seems to work when I solder it sloppy ,but when I do it carefully its all like "I'm not gonna work for you I make no sense". Speaking of sense I need to make sure that connestion is strong
Oh ,and someone should make me an awesome intro for my videos that would be sweet. :awesome: No ,but for real i would be forever thankful my videos are pretty basic ,and quite frankly boring.
wolborg said:
Oh ,and someone should make me an awesome intro for my videos that would be sweet. :awesome: No ,but for real i would be forever thankful my videos are pretty basic ,and quite frankly boring.
you and me both.
I need one too.
I hate school I wanna work on my awesome portable but luckily I have a BlackBerry and can read the mega sticky everywhere
Ok I know how much of a noob question this is ,but I am at a total loss and don't want to fry my board does this mean these two spots are to hook it up 1.9Volts to input it to each spot or to run a wire bridging them together.
I would be very thankful for help :D
Tip: Don't post the thumbnail of a pic if you're not going to link it to the full size image.
Either way will work. Bridging the two points shown and connecting one 1.7-1.9v wire is how I always do it though
vskid3 said:
Tip: Don't post the thumbnail of a pic if you're not going to link it to the full size image.
sorry my bad PhotoBucket hasbeen doing that to me lately.
Ashen said:
Either way will work. Bridging the two points shown and connecting one 1.7-1.9v wire is how I always do it though
thanks Ashen I can get back to work now :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: you don't know how happy I am
very nice very nice indeed since its like 2 in the morning im going out in the garage to do work :mrgreen: