Video Relocation?


Hi, I was following ashen's trimming guide and I made a medium cut, and now that I trimmed my GC well, I have to relocate the video. But it seems that I don't have the same board as shown on the guide. On the guide it's said to relocate video on FIL30 or C208 but I don't have them on my board. I precise that it's not a rev C board. Here is what I got instead of what's shown on the guide:

If someone could tell me where I can get some composite video signal that'll be awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks for answering man, but there's no other way to get composite video? Because it requires some tiny solde rs and i'm about doing a short circuit and fry my board
Oh, you have a PAL board. That's why it's different. I don't know where you could find composite video on that board except for the video IC.
Yeah I have a pal board too, I would have told you the location of composite video
but my multimeter hasn't arrived yet, if you have one I would recommend setting it too
conectivity and check the composite video pin from the video Ic and follow it with the test probes
you should be good when you find a component which the trace passes through
I'm pretty sure that the chip on the back where the audio and video come from before the audio preamp has the same pinout as what's in Ashen's guide. Correct me if I'm wrong people of pal land...
Ok I have found another relocation point for the composite signal. I will provide a photo when I will receive my new mobo (tomorrow I guess) because the other one is quite messy and we can't really see the pad.