Very rich man here, looking to buy your finished stuff.

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Neildo_64 and several other people were selling N64ps a month or two ago, but I haven't heard about if they sold or not. Mario is working on one to sell, and zenloc could have you one done in a few weeks or less I'm sure.

But don't expect to get something the caliber of the portables you posted for under $550.
snowpenguin said:
Neildo_64 and several other people were selling N64ps a month or two ago, but I haven't heard about if they sold or not. Mario is working on one to sell, and zenloc could have you one done in a few weeks or less I'm sure.

But don't expect to get something the caliber of the portables you posted for under $550.
im cool with that.
and i still really want a gameboy pocket with a backlight and charging capabilities. someone contact me about selling me one of those and give me all the details.
I can make you one, but you'll have to pay me first. I have no money to buy the parts with. :(

You could ask Ishmael1010 about his.
modshroom128 said:
snowpenguin said:
Neildo_64 and several other people were selling N64ps a month or two ago, but I haven't heard about if they sold or not. Mario is working on one to sell, and zenloc could have you one done in a few weeks or less I'm sure.

But don't expect to get something the caliber of the portables you posted for under $550.
im cool with that.
and i still really want a gameboy pocket with a backlight and charging capabilities. someone contact me about selling me one of those and give me all the details.
I think pkmnjunky was selling a backlit Gameboy Pocket with a recharge battery. You may want to ask him.
I have a completed Nintendo 64 portable.

Works great, about 5-6 hours of battery life, headphone jack, AV out Jack, Expansion pack for complete compatibility, ALL controls.

PM me if you are interested:

Michaelthurston said:
I have a completed Nintendo 64 portable.

Works great, about 5-6 hours of battery life, headphone jack, AV out Jack, Expansion pack for complete compatibility, ALL controls.

PM me if you are interested:

do you not see this thread? he wants a beautiful n64p, like the L64, and he has found someone willing to build for him. thread is over. :dahroll: :wtf:
samjc3 said:
Michaelthurston said:
I have a completed Nintendo 64 portable.

Works great, about 5-6 hours of battery life, headphone jack, AV out Jack, Expansion pack for complete compatibility, ALL controls.

PM me if you are interested:

do you not see this thread? he wants a beautiful n64p, like the L64, and he has found someone willing to build for him. thread is over. :dahroll: :wtf:

That post took more than a few minutes to create, I didn't see his "thread over" post.
qerkdtx said:
:roll: 50 minutes to make one post?

Leave Michael alone, he's a good guy with a dream....... A dream to sell portables to rich peopl even when they say they already have one being made.

Let the man dream dangit, let him dream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
qerkdtx said:
:roll: 50 minutes to make one post?
I did leave the post open for about 30 minutes to go do something in the middle of it; but I may have just hastily scrolled down and hit "Post" without seeing that. :rofl:

and erm..Thanks, Hail. :wink:
to the TC: don't buy from plover or anybody else without much experience. Just make sure that if somebody does a commision for you they have lots of experience.
Argelfraster said:
I can make you a GBC with an LED modded screen and a couple of other features if you want. PM me.

I can do this, but make it phenomenally better using techniques I did not put into my guide :awesome:

Argelfraster said:
modshroom128 said:
snowpenguin said:
I'm making a 7" N64 laptop with 4200 mAh lipo batteries and an expansion pak over winter break to sell, will probably be going somewhere in the ballpark of $300- $400.
that sounds good.

and i am only interested in 2 things. and they both have to look really good, I MEAN REALLY GOOD if im going to spend my hundreds on them.

1. a gameboy POCKET (im sorry argelfraster) with a backlight screen/ or charging capabilities.
You can take a look at my GBC project to see if you like my work. ... 25&t=16938
Also, I can do a pocket, if you send me one to work on.

Look, sorry, but if that thread is any indication of your knowledge:assumption ratio, your GBC will turn out so bad. Like, horrible. Trash. Garbage.
themadhacker said:
to the TC: don't buy from plover or anybody else without much experience. Just make sure that if somebody does a commision for you they have lots of experience.
Agree'd :rofl:
I agree with Bibin. If they haven't done it before, don't buy.

If they haven't done it several times, don't buy.

I could easily make an N64p the size of a DMG(GBO for the retarded) and have it look like it was factory made if you pay me enough. I've got skill and years of experience.

Mario's a good person to buy from. I can vouch for his impressive skill, quality, and ingenuity.

But, ah, "thread over."

EDIT: Also,


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