Trying my first portable

Morning folks!

I'm trying my first portable with an old NES I had laying around, but I have a few questions. As I am a total N00b with electronics, I have never even soldered before. I watched a few tutorials, and gave it a try. I am following the guides in the Ben Heck book, and have gotten as far as stripping the board down. I'm now waiting for the components necessary to move on. My problem is that I don't know how fragile these boards are. While removing the RF box, I ran into trouble getting the solder to melt, and had to try over and over. There is now some browning around the connections that I desoldered. Is this something to worry about? Also, If I let a tool like a screwdriver slip and scratch the green area of the board, am I screwed? Any advice is greatly appreciated! I'll include a pic so you can see what I'm talkin about! Lookin forward to your responses! Thanks again!

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Yup. You tore off the solder pads. You're gonna have to sand around them to find the traces.
Weak. So I sanded around the holes, but I didn't find anything... the solder pads on the main side of the board are still there though... Is that enough? Sorry for being such a noob, but the book is not very helpful with the details.