Troubleshooting a Dead N64 Portable

Hey guys,

I bought a n64 portable off eBay a few days ago via this listing, as I've been dying to have a portable n64 for a long time now. I received it yesterday and it played fine for the few hours I played it.

I was playing it again today, and the screen started to go white, like the brightness on the screen was being cranked up to max, and then the entire unit shut off. Now it refuses to turn on - not even the fan on the bottom of the case will try to spin. It didn't make any strange sounds or anything of the sort when it happened either.

Obviously, I've contacted the eBay seller, but assuming he doesn't respond and I can't get a refund via eBay, what are my options here? If I had to guess I would assume the power supply blew, but I know very little about console modding in general and even less about wiring. Perhaps someone here has seen this before and can at least give me a guess on what component failed if it comes down to me having to try to fix it myself.
