Transfer save data from flashcard to real cart on DS?


sweet justice
Does anyone know of a way to transfer save data on an sd card (used with a flashcard) to a real game?
There's a homebrew app, let's you rip DS and GBA games, and their saves.
It'll also let you put your saves back on GBA and DS games.

Don't remember what it's called, but if you google a bit and find the one that lets you rip DS Games over Wi-Fi, you've found it.
I remember using that at one point, it had a Heck of a time working with a Nintendo wifi dongle.(Heck of a time -> Didn't work) It's called SavSender.
Something like this will work too.
If you have a Slot 2 card you can use something like Rein or Eepinator to make the process really easy. Otherwise, you'll have to use the alternative Slot 1 applications that have already been mentioned, but those rely on things like Wi-Fi and ram carts.
I remember how Kylechu linked me to something that did exactly what you're looking for. I'd ask him. Supposedly it's a hard link to find.