Torpedo 64 - Worklog

Okay, so I have come to the conclusion that the Power adapter is gone forever. So I finally broke out the cash and am going to Player1 tomorrow to pick up a n64.
3MZ said:
Okay, so I have come to the conclusion that the Power adapter is gone forever. So I finally broke out the cash and am going to Player1 tomorrow to pick up a n64.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD! Bad! No. They WAY over charge there. WAY WAY WAY over charge. Buy one online for like 20 bucks cheaper. Seriously. You can buy them for like 12-20 dollars online. They're like HURR IT'S 40 DOLLARS at Player1.
i bought one for 15$ console only no jumper or expansion pak and got it in 5 days free shipping it was a good deal