Toast's FS Thread


Got a bunch of stuff lying around that I don't have a use for atm and I'd like some money seeing as I blew most of samjc3's Pandora money on a 64Drive. So let the festivities begin! I'll be adding more stuff later too.

First off,

7" LCD --$30 + $5 shipping

Games -- Make Offers

Genesis - Sonic 3D Blast
N64 - Turok 2
N64 - Quake II
N64 - Perfect Dark
N64 - Sarge's Heroes
SNES - Link to the Past
SNES - Super Mario World (These two SNES games aren't in the picture but are in excellent condition and play perfectly)
DS - Nintendogs Lab and Friends
DS - Urbz Sims in the City
DS - Rayman DS
DS - Finding Nemo Escape to the Big Blue
3DS - Pilotwings Resort
3DS - Lego Star Wars III
360 - Bioshock (Has gamestop case)
360 - Bioshock 2 (CANNOT FIND IT. I know I have it somewhere, but until I find it I can't sell it)
360 - Halo Reach
360 - Amped 3
360 - Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
XBOX - Halo CE
XBOX - Halo 2

Wireless NES Controller -- $10 + $5 shipping

iTunes Gift Cards

If you use iTunes to get your music, I've got two $15 gift cards that I'll sell for $12 each, or $20 for both. I will either email or PM you the codes (Your choice)

Xbox 360 Pending

This 360 is RROD'd! Be warned! It's a Halo 3 edition phat 360 with a 20GB HDD and 3 red rings. Comes with hookups, a green controller and a white controller.

Pics are very large and I don't wanna resize so there's some linkys for you ::3: Make offers. Everything in working order unless specified otherwise. If you get something and it is defective, send it back and I'll refund.

I am also up for trades. Offer me stuff. Atm I'm looking for a Dingoo A320/GA330/A380 or a GP2x Wiz
Yeah I accept Paypal. And remember the battery pack is 3.7v and a combination of 2 round cells, not a flat cell.

Bud, It's already been shipped :)
Kinda interested in the xbox, but IDK, I'll send a PM/offer shortly... After some researches...