Thursty's "NintenTron 64" Commission.

Re: Thursty's uhhh, 5th N64p? 6th? Anyways yeah. Commission.

Basement_Modder said:
What is it with this guy and buying portables that have the console strapped on your torso? :/
He's a comedian man, he uses this stuff for gags, and videos. This N64p will be the center of an entire episode.
Re: Thursty's uhhh, 5th N64p? 6th? Anyways yeah. Commission.

Well I received the parts in the mail today, all I'm waiting on now is the money from Paypal so I can buy the batteries, screen, new dremel station, and other various parts, then I can get started!
Re: Thursty's uhhh, 5th N64p? 6th? Anyways yeah. Commission.

Started some cutting today

Current mockup:

Re: Thursty's uhhh, 5th N64p? 6th? Anyways yeah. Commission.

Looking awesome!!
The only thing I'd change is that the analog stick and d-pad switched place! I'd find that that would make the 'portable' more comfortable to hold and what-not..

Can't wait to see more Thursty.
Re: Thursty's uhhh, 5th N64p? 6th? Anyways yeah. Commission.

Thanks, but I'm going by what he wants, not what I want. I would never make a portable like this ever. at all.

But it's what the customer wants..Anyways, he finally came up with a name: "The NintenTron 64"

Here's why(Also there's a surprise for Modretro in the background. <3):

tape is just for holding it for the picture, not final.
βeta said:
How do you plan on holding it in the end?

Using some variation of super-powerful super glue to tack it down, and if needed, little bits of epoxy over the strip at certain lengths to hold it in place.
Well actually SS, funny you should mention that, because it's exactly what I did. I GUESS GREAT LAWYERS THINK ALIKE*Can'tSayThisOnTV*YEARWOSHIP. :ssawesome: :awesomethursty:

Anyways, check it out.


and the result was:
Yeah this stuff is a lot neater that I thought, and unfortunately no, while I can't give too much info away about the episode, he basically wants to find it in a thrift store, so as an added effect, It has to look kind of old, worn, and beat. so no sanding, no refining, paint, etc. Any marks you see on the system are actually supposed to be there.