TheNineRings NEW AND IMPROVED Sale Thread


Official Hypello of ModRetro
Well, I'm back again, to sell my stuff yet again. Except this time I'm college bound, and I really won't have enough time for games other than extremely good ones, such as Jak 3 and Persona 4. Being a "starving artist" and a "future college student" (yes, that was necessary) I need as much money as I can get. So, I'm going to give you guys some pretty good deals, at least in my own opinion. I could sell the stuff on ebay, but I know that you guys will put them to proper use, and I still like you guys, even if I don't go on nearly as often as I used to. So there :P

Here's how it's going to work. I have two sections that you can buy from, "Good" and "Cheap." If you buy something from the Good section, you get something from the Cheap section, for free, excluding additional shipping costs. Once I run out of Good stuff you can buy one Cheap, get one free. I'll also have a "Miscellaneous" section, where things that I don't really think fit in either Good or Cheap will go. You don't have to get a "Cheap" item if you don't want to pay the extra shipping costs.

I do accept the "dibs" concept, as long as the people have something that I'm interested in and/or are willing to pay a fair price. When someone has dibs on something, I'll make it bold, write who has dibs on it behind it, then second, third, etc. If it's been sold, I'll scratch it out and put what it was sold/traded for next to it for reference unless the buyer requests that it not be included.

I will also determine shipping costs myself, as I've sold stuff to people for amounts that barely covered my shipping costs in the past. Also, I must receive my payment beforehand, preferably as a money order, as cash isn't safe in the mail. I don't have a Paypal account, so it has to be money order.

Upon having a possible agreement for a game that is moderately heavily scratched or above, I will test it by completing said game. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, but that is the primary reason why there would be a delay in the shipping. Well, that or I want to say goodbye.

For future reference, these rules will apply to all of my future sales, unless specifically stated. Excluding the free game thing, that usually won't apply, even though I usually throw in random free stuff anyways, as you guys know :D


God of War 2, 2 disc set - This game is in very good condition, with light scratching on both discs, and the book included. The case could be in better condition, but I could just swap it out for one of my others if you want me too. It doesn't really matter to me. I personally think that the game is overrated, but I know the series is very popular. Weird thing, my Ps2 won't read it. I'll put together one of my other motherboards/disc drives to test. I don't get it, even though it's barely scratched.

Star Wars Battlefront - This is a fun game that has moderately heavy scratching, and it doesn't have a book.

Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 - Both of the games are in very good condition, barely scratched and including the books, barely worn. An excellent series, it is worth adding to anyone's collection.

Clear DMG - This DMG has some scratch damage, not severe, with most of it on the gray (Or is it grey? I'm never certain which is right...) part of the faceplate, which can easily be replaced. It also has a little bit of brown gunk inside of it, easily cleaned, and it still has the original battery cover.

Sega Saturn - A Sega Saturn with the power and composite cords, without controllers (never got the funding to buy them.) It is in good condition, and it comes with an X-men game and a demo.

Ecco: Defender of the Future - A classic Sega Genesis game, in good condition with both the case and book intact. It is very fun, even though I myself have never beaten it. The levels hurt my brain.

Nintendo Zapper - I must say this: I love these things. However, I don't have an NES anymore, so it's up for sale. It's the original orange model, in fairly good condition.

Sonic 2, not for resale - IGNORE the almighty! One of the best games ever released for the Genesis, no gamer with a one could pass this thing up!

Sonic and Knuckles - I'm selling this too! While I love the Sonic series, you guys love it just as much, and I've beaten this game so many times I know it like the back of my hand. I've owned this game every since I was a little kid, and it still works very well. I recommend that you purchase it with Sonic 2, so you can play Sonic 2 & Knuckles.


Avatar: The Last Airbender - This game is lightly scratched, and has no book with it. Based off of the popular series "Avatar: The Last Airbender." Duh.

Soul Fighter - Lightly scratched, this Dreamcast game includes the book with it.

Fur Fighters - Another Dreamcast game, lightly scratched, it has a book, but the case has a broken hinge. It's a lot like Banjo Kazooie mixed with Gex 3 and guns. A weird game.

Rainbow Six - Yet another Dreamcast game that is lightly scratched and includes the book. It's case also has a big crack on the front.

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - A very, very weird FPS, this game is lightly scratched and includes it's original book.

Outlaw Golf - Lightly scratched. That's all I've got to say here.

Legend of the Dragon - Barely scratched, and includes the books. It's a low-budget fighting game.

Secret Service - A FPS about, you guessed it, the Secret Service. It's moderately scratched and includes the book.

Shadowman 2 - Moderately scratched, this game has a cult following for some reason.

Raiden 3 - A decent shooter, this game is barely scratched.

Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter - A wannabe Halo game. It is moderately scratched.

Oddworld game - An Oddworld gameboy game, with a torn label.

Sonic Spinball - Just the game. It's very odd.

Various Controllers + parts - I have some extra controllers lying around, in various conditions, and various broken systems lying around, also in varying condition. If you want anything from them, ask and I'll obey!

Asteroids 64 - A remake of the classic, with the original classic unlockable. Fun.


A Broken Blackberry - It takes forever to load up, the volume is glued down, the back won't fit and the USB slot doesn't work.

Spyro and Crash LCD games - People collect these sort of things, and I have around 6 of them. A couple need new batteries.

Gameboy bag - It holds games, Gameboys, whatever you want.

GBA SP belt... thing - It's a soft case that holds your SP, a couple of games, and attaches to your belt.

Sonic Mega Collection Plus - Yay, more Sonic! It's moderately scratched, and has no manual. I love this game myself, but I've found myself ceasing to play it anymore.

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain - An over-the-shoulder shooter about disease. Book included, and moderately scratched.

Armored Core 2 - A mech combat game.

Unreal II - Includes book, both disks barely scratched.

Dynasty Warriors 6 - Includes the book, lightly scratched.

Let the buying begin!

EDIT: My brother wants a copy of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. He would prefer to do a direct trade.
Give me a day, and everything will have pictures, and the list might be a bit longer as well. I find the item that you are interested in odd, though.