The Zephyr64 FINISHED!!

Glad you finished it! :D Nice color, too. Quick question - What screen did you use and what are those 3 buttons on the bottom for?
Congrats on completion! But um... maybe I'm blind, but where are the shoulder buttons?
middle button is the contrast and other settings and the ones one the sides are - and + like volume up and down but the volume stopped working and i cant get to the screen board anymore so im making an audio amp

shoulder buttons are on the top L is on the back

the screen i used was from a portable vcr and i had to use a PTN04050c regulator with 5volt regulator to get the 10.5 volts that it requred the portable vcr was calledthe funtv

color is spot on though (haha i sound british)

fans are not installed yet because the asians in hongkong wont ship it idk why

glad that its finished n64 is so boring without sound i'll have it rigged up tomoro though
Nice job on the case, looks pretty nice. However, those shoulder buttons look awful, and your power regulation scheme is terribly ineffecient. Other than that though, looks pretty cool!
yes the shoulder buttons are bad i thought they would be comfy but they turned out to be too high they work well when holding to portable in your lap .... the screen needed the 10.5 volts and i wasnt going to buy another screen oh well... thats why i have three battery packs... hahaa
I like the design and case a lot, but why would you use string or floss or whatever to hold down the heatsink? (I hope you at least didn't use low melting point hotglue on it)
Sonic4freedom said:
I LOVE the color! :D
I really like this. Ignore XCVG, it's your portable, and as long as you like it, who cares! I'm looking forward to your future projects.