The DolphinBoy: a Portrait Style Gamecube Portable


Well-Known Member
Introducing the DolphinBoy!



•3.5 inch LCD
•True WKF installed with latest Swiss
•internal ~1000 block memory card
•4000 mah batteries
•AV out
•external first player and second player ports (not seen in photo)
•Switching headphone jack
•Ability to charge and play with original GameCube power port and charger
•dual tact modded L and R buttons for full compatability
•SD gecko adapter built in
•Low battery LED when there is ~6 minutes left

this portable has been sold.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Yeah thanks! I don't know why the brackets weren't working so I just have links to Imgur. Can any mods help?
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Nice. How's the battery life?

For the images, you need the link that ends with .jpg/.gif/.png. Its labeled as the direct link on imgur (click "Get embed codes" at the bottom if you don't see them).
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Battery life is okay I get at most 2 hours. One of my 5000 mah packs ended up with corroded tabs that broke off and the 4000 was what I had laying around from previous stuff. I didn't really want to spend a ton on battery space for a little better life when I mostly play off wall power.

EDIT: I adjusted the text but how do I make them smaller? Thanks btw
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

I really like what you did with the analog sticks, makes it seem like there's
no need for that spherical area.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

If your links are from imgur just add a "l" to the end of your image link before the extension to size it down.

Looks really nice! Great job.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Ampz said:
I really like what you did with the analog sticks, makes it seem like there's
no need for that spherical area.
they are there to protect/hide the electronics of the sticks
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

spazmoid said:
Ampz said:
I really like what you did with the analog sticks, makes it seem like there's
no need for that spherical area.
they are there to protect/hide the electronics of the sticks

Fair point but there just wasn't room in the case. And unless your house is full of dust and you're throwing rocks at the analog stick to get them jammed in the inner workings I don't see it being an issue.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Are the ABXY buttons from a first party controller? They look a little different to me.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Yeah the wireless ones had high quality gloss finish on them so they were basically mini official buttons.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

I loved my wireless mini madcatz controller. Too bad it didn't have rumble, otherwise it was a wonderful controller... until the contact pad for the right trigger switch tor and started randomly activating :(. I still loved that controller even after I broke off one of the handles when I threw it against a hard object in my rage (I meant to hit a firm cushion up against the wall as I'd done so many times before as it would bounce right off the cushion and back into my hands). Fixed her up with some rubber cement, which only lasted a little before it broke again, but then I cam up with a fix that involved a rubber-band that would pull it together from the inside so if the cement ever broke again (which it had a couple times), it would still snap right back into position. I should pull that controller back out and put a tact switch in where the busted trigger contact is.
New pictures and updated the front post. I recorded a video earlier but I had some issues with the camera so I'll have a video out tomorrow. I'll post the video in this thread once it's uploaded.
Re: Portrait GameCube portable

Fluxedo said:
spazmoid said:
Ampz said:
I really like what you did with the analog sticks, makes it seem like there's
no need for that spherical area.
they are there to protect/hide the electronics of the sticks

Fair point but there just wasn't room in the case. And unless your house is full of dust and you're throwing rocks at the analog stick to get them jammed in the inner workings I don't see it being an issue.

oh i know and i can't blame you, it's such a Sega to correctly size the holes for the dome pieces to fully cover the sticks while ensuring the sticks have enough throw. :evil2:

i was simply pointing out that they do have a function. :D