The DolphinBoy 2.0!

Wow 3D printing something this precise is proving to be difficult. Any way, I'm done completely done with the case/model(s) so here's a link:

EDIT 11/18/2015: I updated the .zip new download link here:

working on updating .zip with new files that will come out better when printed.

If any one is wondering what the files that say "mojoprint" are, we have two printers at the school, a makerbot 2x and a Mojo. Theoretically, I'd like to print everything on the Makerbot, but if the internal parts prove to be too precise for the maker bot, I plan on printing them with the files named "mojoprint". Also, the reason each half of the case is in 3 parts, printing each part separately and then gluing them together is much more consistent print-wise if you're not using something super-high end. If you want each half in full to print them as one, you can re-combine them in Autodesk 123D or whatever 3D Modeling software. I didn't include the .sat files this time because converting them would be time-consuming since there's quite a few .123dx files but if you'd like a 3D model you can play around with, open the .123dx in Autodesk 123D and export them as whatever 3D model file you'd like (.sat included in the options obviously)

^btw, you no longer have to do the work around in Autodesk 123D anymore to get the .sat 123D natively supports exporting them as 3D models as of version 1.7 :P (1.6 and under made you pay for this feature)

Last thing, don't worry about the folder named "old". It has older versions of the 3D files that I had as backups and I included them just incase someone wanted to some serious modifications because they contain the 2D sketch files.

EDIT: here's a rough pic of the thing (the 6 parts of the whole case are combined here)

How many failed prints so far? Also maybe slow the print speed down a bit to help with any issues you might be having... That's usually configurable via software pretty easily
Yeah that worked for a little. I think there may also be moisture build up and air bubbles in the blue filament spool I've been using we've had if for roughly a year and a half. I just bought a spool of purple from a different brand and I'm going to use and we'll see what happens. Slowing down proved to help but the filament was still getting stuck in the extruder :/
I really like this design but I feel your shoulder buttons are a weak part of it. Maybe replace L+R with N64 Z buttons?
U suppose you could re-model it to that but this design uses the pale purple SNES buttons. They have an indention for the curvature of your finger + your fingers will naturally rest in that area.
So here's the bezel! It's not done but I'm getting there. First image is a really rough paintjob of the letters and secod image shows the letters filled with paint which I'll sand and scrape off later leaving only the letter indentions painted. More printing tomorrow too!

the printing is becoming much more consistent now that I'm using our other MakerBot (it doesn't have spring loaded extruder which is what I believe the issue was). Here the print it finished earlier today of the inside parts. As you can see its in white, I did it in white because this part isn't seen once it's closed up and I'm trying to conserve purple. Also, my idea of pressing nuts in worked! The only reason there's only one is that's because that's my last one lol. I'll be at lowes tomorrow to get more. Stay tuned!

Yeah I decide I need to print all the parts seperatly and glue them together because the printer was having issues with the model as one piece.
UPDATE! Part 2/4 of the front half came out! 1/3 of the back half is also printed but not seen. Bezel is nearing completion as well. I started part 3/4 of the front half when I left the school today as well.
Case printed and I'm going to make some minor adjustments to the files in the .zip available for download after I realized a few things that will do better different ways, not because they're wrong but I've found a few errors with 3D printing that seem to occur no matter what. I should have it finished by tonight or tomorrow.


