The ClunkerCube


Well-Known Member
It's already a month overdue... Better late than never I guess :P .

The theme of this portable is: "Using Too Much Bondo in Some Areas and Too Little in Others", with a hint of "Forgetting to Sand".

It's finished. Finally. It's a good thing too, because I was this close to just giving up on it :roll: . Here are some specs:

Generic car monitor LCD
Wavebird buttons
Built-in Madcatz Mini wireless controller for easy 2 player
External players 1, 2, 3, and 4 (3 ports, first one can switch between 1 and 2)
TV out (RCA + 3.5mm)
WASP fusion with Swiss autoboot
No batteries because money
Loud as Heck iLuv amp and speakers
Crappy R, L, and Z buttons
SD gecko (kinda broken right now, meaning to fix)
MEGAdrive v6



More pics:

Thanks, I'd rather have it fat than have all the internals crushed to fit. The R and L buttons are analog only, and are hard to press, so game compatibility isn't 100%. Oh well, I'm still happy with it.
Glad to see that the project wasn't dropped.
How does one actually hold this portable? It looks rather uncomfortable
Well, I'm not going to say it isn't uncomfortable... Just make sure you have a table to rest your arms on :oops: . I'm gonna put a video up soon showing it off more in-depth.
tbh it's good to see people still making portables as i dont want the movement to be dead by the time i finish mine, which should be about when apes retake the earth :P