The afternoon projects thread

davenunez said:
If I want to mod my mod my netbook in this way, it essential to have a dog pee on it? Or could I use a cat? :wink:

Nice mod.
Cat would not be sufficient. Wolf is preferable, but fox is also acceptable.
Re: Re: The afternoon projects thread

davenunez said:
If I want to mod my mod my netbook in this way, it essential to have a dog pee on it? Or could I use a cat? :wink:

Nice mod.
Definitely need to have your dog pee on the netbook before hand, very essential part of the process, lol. Thanks for the compliment.
My dad's getting surgery today and I'm going to the hospital with them, so I made myself a very rough gameklip for my chinese usb ps2 knockoff controller. The plastic I used is from the lid of a cheap plastic packing crate. It's a little soft so I had to reenforce it in two areas. And in the end had to epoxy a small scrap piece of acrylic to the controller itself. Not a big deal. But anyways, I did most of this with a lighter to form the plastic, and of course my dremel. Overall took me about an hour and half. Most of that time was fine-tuning it to get it sit just right, and not wiggle. Couldn't take a picture with my cell phone in it, since it's the only camera I've got. Heh.



After obtaining a large ethernet switch, I think I responded appropriately:

Built some custom cables to hook up my xboxen. Like a normal person.
Very normal, yes.

What do you do with these xboxes? Play multiplayer Halo 1? Or.. well I assume they're probably hacked. What're you doing with them? I suppose they could be file servers. Hrm.
I set them atop my desk and look at them as I lament that I have no friend to play multiplayer xbox with.
Bottom is dev box, second is softmodded v1.1, third doesn't work yet, and top is softmodded with a 120gb drive to match my main box so multiplayer.

Once I figure out how to use a managed switch, I will set up the bottom two for dev, and the top two will be rotating stock for ftp transfers. I have about half a dozen other xboxen laying about.
forgot my charger for my vape in my friends car, he ended up losing his keys, had nothing to do all day so I rigged this up.


used to be an eGo twist, now it's a glue stick with an interchangeable Li-Ion battery that produces vapor :awesome:
original battery was 1300mAh, iirc the cells I'm using are 2200mAh so it's a nice improvement, and if a battery dies I can just swap it out, seeing as I have 17 others just chilling collecting dust.
I painted one of those xboxen. It's the one I put a bigger hard drive in. Painted it so I could tell them apart at a glance rather than having to compare for 20 seconds or so.

Also, I made bread.
So like last October, I bought a used external hard drive expecting to be able to jus slap it in this half-laptop for a minecraft server.
Nope. Turned out to be IDE instead of SATA. So I did what any normal person would do and stuck it in anyway with the USB->IDE adapter.
So my radeon X1950 Pro never really worked that great. Supposedly it was because the small incuctor near the bottom of the card was getting too hot or something. So after super-gluing and ripping off heat sinks and stuff from it, the ferrite or whatever it's called just fell apart.


The card wouldn't even boot up without it, so I found some of the ferrite slabs from an SNES controller cable and sliced one up.


And super glued it all together:


Works like a charm!