Yes, the folding one is ugly as *Can'tSayThisOnTV*, but his version of the 64 boy
isn't that bad, and while it may not be as revolutionary as the 64boy was, it is still loads nicer than things we have seen from certain respected members of the community. Really, all he did 'wrong' was passing up on about 2 hours of sanding around the controls (he still did a lot, though), and re-using the name of a portable that was loved by the majority of
this community.
Regardless, I think he built himself a lovely handheld, and it is something he should rightfully be proud of. Does it match his overzealous claims? No. However, that doesn't change that he didn't do a bad job, and greatly improved from his first lulzy triple n64 emblem attempt.
There is a ton of stuff he did right, he stayed very true to his concept, he included tons of features, he found a cool and simple way to control his screen, he included a well featured dock that matches and fits right on, he discovered a few new "gameplay" modes, and, most importantly, it looks he is having as Heck of a lot of fun... A Heck of a lot of fun.
But no, it sucks because he used the same fairly un-unique name of a portable that (no offence) didn't even survive being shipped. Correct me if I'm wrong, bud, but don't you, in fact, have the remains, or otherwise repaired said remains of Bentomo's 64 boy?
Bias. It's a bad thing.
Or... Is this because of the lack of genuine Minnesota dirt in the dock? maybe I'm looking at all of the wrong things.