Texas Instruments samples

I ordered some samples from TI and didn't receive any confirmation after checking out. Is this normal, I'm just not sure if there being shipped or not. If not I'll buy what I need just it was a little confusing. I had the samples I wanted in my cart and clicked checkout, then it gave me a list of items in my cart and asked a few questions, then I clicked checkout at the bottom and it just brought me back to my samples cart only empty this time and there was no thank you for ordering or thanks for trying our samples. Should I have gotten a confirmation email or something?
You should have gotten a confirmation confirmation email with tracking number. Try checking order history on ti.com
Nothing in my order history either. Tried ordering the sample again and theres a drop down menu for the quantity you want. It says 0 and gives no other option. Im unsure why it does this because it says in stock and samples available for this item.