Tell me what to buy [laptop]

It is black. Like a stealth jet. The red is just the default lighting scheme. (which I can customize to anything I want :awesome:)
Dell's stuff is okay as long as you don't buy bottom drawer consumer grade flax from Best Buy. Their enterprise-class hardware is fantastic. :awesome:
samjc3 said:
Id change it to something that isnt a dell. But thats just me.
If it was one of Dell's consumer grade laptops, I would agree with you, but the M11x seems to be built almost as well as their business class laptops, which are pretty good. And I'm the kind of guy that wishes everything was built just like a Thinkpad. There is no flex in this keyboard. It also doesn't look very tacky when it isn't on (the lights can make it look that way), which is rare for a gaming laptop. My ASUS has a nasty lightning bolt on the lid that really tempts me to get out the spraypaint.

That is the same configuration as mine. If you want to save some cash, here is the listing I got mine from. Yours is currently configured as high as I would go from the factory. It would still be cheaper to do the upgrades yourself, but the savings aren't as great as they would be if you were getting a monster HDD. Speaking of which, I'm already down to 6GB on my
250GB HDD. Thats what happens when you have 160GB of Steam games. :awesome:
I would totally use that link, but I'm the kind of person that feels like they need a manufacturers warranty. :neutral2:

So I guess I'll be placing my order Saturday. Hopefully Friday night won't wear me out too bad. :P
vskid3 said:
samjc3 said:
Speaking of which, I'm already down to 6GB on my
250GB HDD. Thats what happens when you have 160GB of Steam games. :awesome:
Only 160?
You've got a TB though. :cool:

I'm probably going to end up buying an external drive and an external cd drive.
You order it yet? I have to say that I am very pleased with mine. Never thought I would say that about an 11" gaming laptop, or an alienware.
Nice. Just be aware that the customizable colors can be your worst enemy.


That's what my roommate did to mine when I was at breakfast yesterday. :stare:
How cute. :lol:

Edit: How are your hinges holding up? I've heard some bad stuff about them. I do think Dell finally gave in and fixed the problem in newer ones.
The Sega is on backorder. *Can'tSayThisOnTV* Dell. *Can'tSayThisOnTV* this flax. I'm buying one from eBay.
That's exactly why I got mine from ebay. I think I ended up getting it the day after it would have shipped from Dell (that was even with me sending it home first).