Sucks, Canada.

HAHAHAHAHA, that sucks for QS, he modded his 360 so Dang much also sucks for canadian modders on epic proportions.
Now, that seems to me that it is only targeting counterfeit. Would portablizing also be an offense there?
They don't know the difference, even adding larger HDs is against the law, apparently.
It even said modding computers is illegal in canada. Proud to be an American.
I said wow.

After all, I've never seen someone type a thread title with the words backwards.
I guess we're going to have to ban all Canadians now.
Just Kidding :p
poor *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing billion dollar companies, about piracy.

this law wouldn't apply to old stuff like n64s, right?
You do realize that they're not gonna do jack flax unless you come to them or you make it really obvious that your'e doing illegal stuff, right? I mean, it's like if the NYPD came to cali to arrest palmer for having a kid under 13 on the forums.

Anyways, I do illegal stuff anyways with nothing stopping me, especially cops.
Ok so ive been looking into this, and the ONLY way it is now illegal is to: Moddifie your console to earn you or your buisiness a profit otherwise un obtainable (EG: free games)