SS's Journey to the Basement Blog'm

Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Blog

We're all totally flaxfaced playing mario katt 74. Be jrluy. Uea.
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Blog

Meetup so epic can't be distracted from it

camera has run out of batteries twice I think

there will be pics
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Blog

It was great. Totally surreal. *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing amazing group of people.
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

I have returned! I didn't get to update this thread as much as I'd have liked to, if I had competent phoneman then I'dve made this a lot better, mostly just pictures of Ashen at random times. He deff won the MVP award, for getting the most flaxfaced and still finishing a portable.

Also, hailrazer is a solid freakin' dude, he's like Ashen-tier awesome in person.

Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

ShockSlayer said:
Also, hailrazer is a solid freakin' dude, he's like Ashen-tier awesome in person.


That's because I'm HAILRAZER Biatch !!!!

That being a given let me sum up the most epic portabilizers on earth.

Ashen - He is the son of Zeus and Apollo. (Yes it was the first man love ever recorded in Greek history, live with it). A Demi-God to be worshipped by all . He wields Wii-Key Fusions as weapons and all should fear him.

ShockSlayer - The son of the Grand Pig and a warthog , don't over think it just realize it is pigtastic and move on. He has made the N64 his Sega and what's more the N64 likes it that way. He wields his soldering iron like a two handed broadsword yet he is precise enough with it to circumcise a gnat and solder it back on at the same time. Fear him if you dare.

Downing - The illegitimate son of a Cnc machine and a Polycase. The result , a man who drinks liquid plastic and pisses out a perfect case. Don't try to comprehend it , you can't , you're not worthy. A man among men and a Dyke among ladies. Deal with it, it's epic.

Beta and Aux - The perfect blend of brains brawn and beauty. I refuse to say which fits whom. Lets just say I wanted to be like Sylar and cut off Beta's head and steal his power. And I wanted to lick Aux and see if she tasted as awesome as she was. I refrained , for my own good and theirs. You get it, don't pretend you don't.

Tchay - pure unadultered sexuality. While he was sleeping , I laid beside him and took pics and told everybody he was my wife. What's more , they believed me and wept that they had no-one that sexy to love. My wife has forgiven me so let it go people. Jealousy is not just a river in Egypt. One day Tchay will be mine, lets just be fine with that.

I entered the meetup a boy , I left a man. Nuff said.
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

finally i am a pig

Youtube won't let me download the streams properly, and I can't download any more for another couple hours or something, hnnng.
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

Man its so crazy. Reading the posts of people I've met in person puts this forum into a whole new perspective. I can actually hear crazy ol Hailrazer saying the things in his post. And same with Shockslayer and Beta.

Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

Yeah...well I guess you and I had to actually talk to hear me as I type...haha. Oh, BTW, which one of you left the Ocean Mist Body Wash in my shower?
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

I dunno...kinda smells like Tchay...I could ship it to you if you want.
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

Downing said:
Yeah...well I guess you and I had to actually talk to hear me as I type...haha. Oh, BTW, which one of you left the Ocean Mist Body Wash in my shower?



Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

Naw, it's not Hazmat or anything. Liquid yes, but easy enough to get around. haha.
Re: SS's Journey to the Basement Prog

Well okay. Just so you know Prog I used that as shampoo as well. It's the meetup smell everyone loves but only Tchay truly knows.
