SS's Grappling Hook


Probably SS
Cut this out of a broken sword hilt and then had my dad weld it together. I got in some welding time too, practice for my next project thing.

Have some images:




Painted it for no real reason:


That's a small piece of rope from the much longer line I use. It's Dang good(Dang expensive) stuff, but it'll hold a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ton of weight, it's used in water skiing, has kevlar in it or some flax.

The hook should hold about 500 pounds.

If anyone had any doubt you weren't Batman, this ought shut them up.
Welding is so badass. I used to watch my uncle weld stuff in Texas. If i ever become rich some day, I will most certainly be a part time blacksmith.
Tig welded or Mig welded? I'm pretty proficient with a self feeding mig, there's not much to that really. I can Tig stuff pretty well if it can be simply fused together, not to good tigging with welding rods though. First time I ever welded anything I ended up with a hellish sunburn.

Hook looks pretty awesome man. I think it'd make a better weapon than something to scale buildings and flax with though. Like Sub-Zero and flax.
Uh...this kind? :sweat:
My dad just called it arc welding. He did welding for a living for 5 years, 30 years ago, I'll have to ask him for sure. It was pretty neat to watch, actually. We pulled out this power box, plugged it in, attached the ground clamp to the hook and then put the welding rod thing into the other clamp(which seemed more like a handle than a clamp) and then dragged the welding rod thing along the hook pieces and whammo.

Speaking of Mortal Kombat, I have recently been using the same line that I mentioned earlier to do that one move that scorpion does with the rope and the kunai into the chest, I can constantly fling this all-steel scissor blade into a tree, if that counts.

This hook isn't so much for scaling buildings as it is swinging from point A to point B. It hooks into trees really well, works best when used in the same fashion as the grappling hook from Wind Waker. I haven't done much with it yet, it was pretty dark when we finished.

Man, when you said grappling hook I thought you meant grapple. I was disappointed.
ShockSlayer said:
Uh...this kind? :sweat:
My dad just called it arc welding. He did welding for a living for 5 years, 30 years ago, I'll have to ask him for sure. It was pretty neat to watch, actually. We pulled out this power box, plugged it in, attached the ground clamp to the hook and then put the welding rod thing into the other clamp(which seemed more like a handle than a clamp) and then dragged the welding rod thing along the hook pieces and whammo.

Speaking of Mortal Kombat, I have recently been using the same line that I mentioned earlier to do that one move that scorpion does with the rope and the kunai into the chest, I can constantly fling this all-steel scissor blade into a tree, if that counts.

This hook isn't so much for scaling buildings as it is swinging from point A to point B. It hooks into trees really well, works best when used in the same fashion as the grappling hook from Wind Waker. I haven't done much with it yet, it was pretty dark when we finished.


You should have asked your father if he has an angle grinder. :p

Tchay said:
Welding is so badass. I used to watch my uncle weld stuff in Texas. If i ever become rich some day, I will most certainly be a part time blacksmith.

Why would you need to be rich? You could create your own forge and tools.

Here's the forge I made about five years ago. It's kind of half-ass, but it was an experiment. I only needed it to serve one purpose. I used the forge to melt silver for casting jewelry.




The picture quality sucks because the pictures were taken with my Nokia 6682. It got hot enough to turn 1/4 inch rebar cherry red on the low fan speed.

As for welding, it's not expensive either. Look on Craigslist for some used welding equipment. Don't make the same mistake as the poster above. Wear protective clothing because the burn is HARSH. Also, weld outside and use a respirator if possible.
EPIC FIRST POST! And he's from Texas which multiplies the badassery by one thousand.

I wonder if I could get away with a welding shop on my 4th floor apartment balcony?

Tchay said:
EPIC FIRST POST! And he's from Texas which multiplies the badassery by over 9000.

I wonder if I could get away with a welding shop on my 4th floor apartment balcony?

Hey, I have one of those!


I used a grinder, that thing is sharp as *Can'tSayThisOnTV*. It's symmetrical, I took the picture at an angle. It's seen some use. :p

From what I know of brunoip, he probably cut it with his mind(or teeth). The crazy mother*Can'tSayThisOnTV*er.

Bah, I got paid, housed, and fed to teach 40 people a week to operate a forge.
If you ever need help with this, and feel like walking to TN, I can show you how this works. I have access to two forges, 12 Anvils, several tons of scrap metal, legit coal to burn, a 9 lb crosspeen hammer, many a ball peen hammers, and various tools of interest. I got this... And a badass Summer job.

Also, damnit, now I want a grappling hook EVEN MORE.