Something strange happened to one of my N64's


SS's Preferred Refreshment
So While I was working on Nintentron 64, I was in the process of testing out my new batteries, when something strange happened.

I was using a perfectly working, un touched rev-04 board. I plugged it in via the wall, and TV, worked perfectly.
I wired up the batteries(which worked fine on my rev-05.) only to find that it would not power it. Checked the 3.3v, and sure enough it wasn't outputting more than .4 volts..And I checked the batteries themselves, which read a small volts. strange. I disconnected the hot and ground wires from the reg, and they jumped back up to the normal 7.4v, reconnected everything and the Rev-04's LED came on.

So I tried to hook it up to the TV to test it, nothing. Tried many carts and jumper paks, nothing. Then the reg was *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing up again, so I assumed it was gone. Ordered a new reg, and got it in today, wire it up to the rev-05, nothing works.

Now for the strange part, I hook it up to the rev-04, and plug it into the TV, I get no video, but I get clear L+R audio. Keep in mind all the plugs are still intact, and I am using the stock ninty cord. Tried several cords and TVs, same just audio. Disconnected the battery and tried the same with the wall plug, same thing.

TL:DR : Strange new problem with N64's only outputting audio.

So any Ideas? advice? anything similar ever happen to your N64s?
I didn't even think of that! Thanks XCVG! It was the 7805. For some reason it was long gone. Works great now!

EDIT: I'm not changing this post. :wink:
Nice, I didn't even know that before hand that the 7805 controlled video.

We need a facts list.