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Re: FS:PSone LCD

SnowKitty said:
pLover said:
Oh, yeah. Wait, but what happened to that other PSone screen, that Amper was buying? The one that I didn't read the topic replies and then tried to buy the screen, and then you got pissed. He didn't get that one?
just get out of my thread already please. you were the one being an ass by Segaing about me not wanting to sell to you. i have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. you are not getting this screen, get over it.
I was never Segaing about anything, I was just saying that it was unfair to offer me a screen, and then after a few PMs to just ignore me and try to sell it to someone else. And I was just trying to figure out what was going on.

Yes, you have the right, I know that, I was just asking why you didn't want to sell it to me when I was willing to buy it. And if it means that much to you, I'll leave.
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