SL-68p N64


Active Member

So..I'm starting my N64 portable and when all said and done it will fit into a SL-68p Polycase.
I am not sure what to call this so ideas are welcomed. Let's just start with my list of parts/ideas/specs!

Jumper Pack Relocation
Ram Swap
Ashens alternative to RCP
3.5 inch Screen
Super pad 64
Very small trimmed MOBO
Internal batteries

These are my ideas and most of the parts I'm just waiting for in the mail so if you have any good ideas or constructive criticism that would be great! :awesome: I will post pics as soon as progress has been made!

- W00gala
I like the idea! Are you going to be extending the case thickness? It is 1.5 inches thick which is totally do-able so I wouldn't. Is the cartridge slot going to be internal or external? I'm looking forward to seeing progress on this.
Thanks, I will probably not extend the case unless I really need to. The cart slot I have not decided about yet so any ideas are great I was thinking of having it sit vertical on the back but I'm not sure yet.
you could do something like what HardOtto is doing in his portable, It's a pretty awesome idea.
HardOtto said:
Hey Thanks for the credit FierceDeity
When I first read that I thought it was sarcastic, and got really worried that I forgot to say it was your idea and picture. Thankfully I didn't, I wouldn't wan't to not give credit for such an awesome idea :P .
Those should be fine, but I would use DS lite speakers. They are way small, and pretty decent quality.