
Re: Simple NOAC portable

Pics as promised

Audio Amp

I was origally going to have two batteries inside, but they took up too much space. The next few pictures are of the awesome battery slots I built, then had to remove :(
N64 grounding strips

Glued in place (You can also see the peices from a N64 vent that I glued down for the batteries to slide onto.)

They fit so well :(

Speaker hole


7805 regulator screwed onto a N64 heatblock. (I also cut off a corner of the heatblock so it'd fit next to the speaker)

The front with all the buttons installed. I made my own 4 way tact cover from a wii analog cap

flaxty switch hole. Its too big because the only way my file would fit to make the hole longer was to make the hole wider. :/

Toroid and a diode, most of the wires are there too. The audio amp is under the tape up at the top.

4 way tact pinout written on the inside of my case so I couldn't lose it :lol:

My volume knob ala ShockSlayer

Power jack from an ebay screen

Power jack installed.

Remember that I'm building this away from most of my tools. All of the holes that I've made in this case I used my dremel and grinding bits, so they look awful. Funtional, but awful.

My screen still hasn't come. I'm about to go and curb stomp china.
Simple NOAC portable

Is that from the NOAC that I sold you? That's sick man! Hope it turns out fantastical.
Re: Simple NOAC portable

Atari said:
Is that from the NOAC that I sold you? That's sick man! Hope it turns out fantastical.
Actually I kinda broke that one :dah: But thats how I learn though, trial and error. :P
Re: Simple NOAC portable

It filters out interference on my screen. The lm386 always seems to cause interference. I'm honestly not sure how it works, but it does.
Re: Simple NOAC portable

I guess, it also has a diode on there to keep the voltage from flowing back. I think.
I r not gud wit teck stufz :/
Re: Simple NOAC portable


Thanks to Herma for the kick start that brought this project back to life :)
Re: Simple NOAC portable

The paint got wonky on my case, so I snapped it in half and grabbed a spare SL68 I had. All's good in the neighborhood.

I also got my super joy today. The new 2012 version. This new one looks like an Xbox controller, and the "joystick" actually functions. It's not actually an analog, all it does is press down on a dpad cross. The menu and game list is exactly the same as in the old one.
The internals are a stretch different from the old version.

If you'll notice, the actual NOAC is super tiny.

I've got it compared to a 3.5" LCD. Sadly there's no famicom connector, so playing carts is out of the question. However, something makes me think something could be done with the chip, since there's another glop on the other side, but I'm not going to bother since most of the games I play are already included.
Re: Simple NOAC portable

Dude this is looking pretty slick! Is this for you or did it turn into a commission?