Simple qustion, or no simple question?


Frequent Poster
This could be either or, but I'd like to know.

If there is absolutely no ventilation on a nintendo 64 portable, would heatsinking it really matter?
Well the heat does have to go somewhere. Without heatsinks or ventilation it would just crash right? Depending on how good of heatsinks you have, you may not need any ventilation. I have run some n64s in open air without heatsinks. Some crashed some didn't. You have to have either heatsinks or good ventilation (and a cooperating n64).
You are just asking to fail if you do that. Imagine taking a faucet that's running, and putting tape over it. Did it stop running? No. Now it just builds pressure until it bursts. The same goes for heat. Its just gonna build up heat until it burns out.

I'd still like to do a vegetable-oil cooled N64p, though...
Just for everyone who wants to know, I run my home N64 with JUST a fan, no case, and no heatsinks of any kind. works great. Better performance than stock. Food for thought.
i like to use the heatsinks laptops use with heatpipes...
this ones...nice to pull the heat away from the spot and cooling it elsewhere
I have a copper heatsink with a aliminium cartridge holder on my portables and it works great. It get's warm but never hot. The heat can spread over a big surface which is better for the overal tempreture if you are using a fan.

With a fan or heatsink you will most likely damage the n64 in the long run.
budnespid said:
Well the heat does have to go somewhere. Without heatsinks or ventilation it would just crash right? Depending on how good of heatsinks you have, you may not need any ventilation. I have run some n64s in open air without heatsinks. Some crashed some didn't. You have to have either heatsinks or good ventilation (and a cooperating n64).
This is what I was reffereing to, some n64's work fine without one and most crash, the n64 is so fickle.
I ran an N64 for two hours with ghetto heatsinks made from the original blocks and a piece of paper taped over top (and all vents covered). It had some ventilation, but not a lot. It got pretty hot but did not crash. Was a Rev 5.
When n64's overheat they start getting really flaxty framerates if im not mistaken. I was playing some n64 for like 3 hours with just heatblocks and no case on jetforce gemini and at points in the game it got really choppy... didnt crash but at times it wasnt the best experience
Heat sinking it would matter to an extent, the point of a heat sink is to draw heat off the chip but if the heat has no where to go beyond that then the heat sink will eventually get as hot as the chip and won't be able to absorb anymore heat and the system will eventually crash.

This thread is kinda dead, but if your heatsink IS the back of the case, everything can be sealed up no problem.