Simple 64


Frequent Poster
This is going to be a really fast project, I'll let the video explain. The only part I have left that I'm waiting for is the screen.

very small project for me, not a huge deal so I'm not going to make the first poke look real fancy.




Finally done
Cool. I think after my woes with the portendo 64 I may just start making simple, no-board trimming portables like that.
Oh yeah, for the record, the master/ slave switch thing doesn't work. Mario found out the slave won't work unless the unused mobo inside is getting power. WTF. :/
Basement_Modder said:
Oh yeah, for the record, the master/ slave switch thing doesn't work. Mario found out the slave won't work unless the unused mobo inside is getting power. WTF. :/
Actually I'm using a special 3pole double throw switch, it turns off the power to the 7.4v and 3.3v line and switches the player one controller to player 2 on the ethernet jack. I've already made a very simple diagram, it cuts the n64 mobo out entirely (except for wires being attached to the screen at the same time) It's pretty much that the port complies with lob64.
LOB64 is an example of a crappy standard IMO. It sucks in a lot of ways. It requires complex switching to work properly, does not provide power for a docking station, and does not support s-video or RGB. However, it is the closest thing to a standard we have.
And what would you suggest? DB25?

Also, complex switching? Not really. just lots of wiring ;)

On second thought... DB25 would be more universal and could be used for more than just N64s....Hmmm...
Well it's a standard none the less. The diagram is simple and only uses 1 switch for master slave, I'm not going to have a docking station, the portable is going to have controller ports and video out on it so it doesn't need it.