ShadowMaster First GCP

Finished up my first Cube this week, details on construction were posted in the worklog.

The Stats:
Weight: 3lb 4oz / 1.475kilos
screen: 7in 16:9 ratio composite
controls: Original gamecube controler buttons except for start button
Battery: 14.8V at 8Ah
Power options: wall power or battery
heatsink: stock gamecube heatsink and fan, trimmed to fit in eachother flat and filter air in one way like a laptop heat sink
Case: polycase ZN45 Frankencased
Game loading system: Wiikey fusion (swiss autoboot flashed)

And special features/side notes:
Built in 2nd player by use of wireless wave bird controller, just flip a switch to turn on or off.
Wiikey has pin 29 and lid switch for when i do decide to do 2 disc games
SD Gecko wired up to slot B
low battery indicator for 14.8v batteries from battery space
using the megadrive port adapter from Megalomaniac (thanks again)

And The Grave yard those that gave their lives for me to figure things out and get this far:
6 Gamecube cotrollers
1 Rev A cube
1 7in tft lcd
1 wiikey fusion
Good sirs i salute you

And so without further ado:

Interesting construction misadventures:
Countless burns, blisters, and cuts (although thats probably common)
i accedently got the fan blade stuck with epoxy and didn't realize it till i was done and had to rip out a epoxied fan that was wedged in a heatsink!
I also reopened and closed the cast 12 times at the end each time thinking i was done only to find something wrong (three of those times it was that i for got the tact sheet under the abxy buttons, and facepalm )
And even after all my testing and anticipation the case was slightly to small, and so there is a slight opening at the middle along the top of the case, only there though so not to bad, and now that i have reset the case again since those last 2 pictures it is an even smaller gap.
This is only my first cube and a prototype. This was for me to get my feet wet and get the basics down. I plan on making a much more advanced, smaller, sleek, and powerful cube next time. It is still my first portable though and i am very happy with it :D

Below is a video over features and demo:
Drakon said:
I think having a more uniform shape instead of handlebar style would look nicer.
read below

ShadowMaster said:
This is only my first cube and a prototype. This was for me to get my feet wet and get the basics down. I plan on making a much more advanced, smaller, sleek, and powerful cube next time. It is still my first portable though and i am very happy with it :D
Nice job. Had no idea about those widescreen hacks. I haven't kept up with developments in quite a while. First time a 16:9 screen on a retro portable didn't make me cringe inwardly. Well, no, it did at first, and then after you explained took back my cringe? Heh.
Thanks very much for the approval everyone!

Kyosho: I definitely agree about the 16:9 ratio making me cringe, but as this one is my testing build i wanted to try it out and see if its worth it. And it is very cool. but the coloring gets a little to buggy on many games for my taste so i'm gonna go 4:3 on my next GCP

Ashen: Means a lot coming from you, I learned most of what I know from your build logs also so big thanks to you personally

Megalomaniac: Thanks for explaining such a simple concept to Drakon

Drakon: see mega's explanation, this was my first portable and to test things out. in no way do i recommend the handlebar style, except for beginners to make it easier for them.
I have to hate on you for reppin' the Auburn Tigers (even though I don't care about football).

But nice portable anyway.
That's a big screen! Congrats on finishing your first portable. And 14.8v at 8Ah!?!? That's some serious battery life right thar :awesome: