Selling macbook pro

The 1920x1200 LCD screen literally can not be had on the new one. It has 256MB video ram, similar to most of the new pros. The keyboard is a lot, lot better. the trackpad has a mouse button that is seperate, which works in windows a lot better. It has a DVI port, you don't need an adapter. The sound ports don't get worn out (on the new one, since it's a jack apple designed for their headphones, it often has contact issues with regular outputs) It has multitouch, just like the new one. The battery is removable, and replacable, not to mention brand new. It has a latch so it doesn't randomly open. The LCD isn't a god Dang mirror, it's matte. The DVD drive is in the front, looks mega cooler. My pro takes up slightly less desk space, too.

Also, the hinges are stronger. On the new pro, if you turn the pro at a 45˚ angle while open, the screen swings shut - not good for bed computing.

Are you able to buy it, if I did just manage to convince you? I can go a bit lower than that buy-it-now.
Okay. Also, it's got snow leopard installed, if that means anything to you. I can leave Windows on there too, along with my games if you want.
Bibin said:
Okay. Also, it's got snow leopard installed, if that means anything to you. I can leave Windows on there too, along with my games if you want.
What games?
The HatMan 2 Beta, Geometry Wars, Street Fighter 4 (wait, no, I think I removed that), All them flaxty games you see in my youtube channel; not much, since I'm not much of a new-age gamer. I've also got MMF2 installed, which is what I've been using with HatMan 2.

Oh, and a copy of the Sonic the Hedgehog source code, which you can screw with and compile

I can leave photoshop on the mac side, along with marble blast gold, all the emulators you'd need, including but not limited to Kega Fusino, Nestopia, Sixtyforce, KiGB, and MAME.

Please someone buy it, I can be flexible with that Buy it now price :(
I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but how much hard drive space is there left?
On the mac side, 62 is free, possibly more. The Mac OS X System doesn't take up more than 4-5 gigabytes. I haven't used the laptop much at all since I have a desktop as well, so there is little data actually on it.

The windows partition is only about 18GB, and there are 10GB free. I'd rather just remove windows, honestly.