Secret Gameboy

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been working on a secret gameboy for about 2 months now (including time spent waiting for parts or money to buy said parts). I am proud to say that it is going smoothly and fairly close to being completed. While I can't show you what it is, I can give you a little teaser.

It involves two DMGs, Neon spray paint (i really like neon), Led's, and white spray paint.

I just wanted to post here and give you a tiny taste and let your imagination go crazy wondering what it will look like. I promise it will live up to the claims. Post here what you think it will look like. I'm pretty interested as to what you can come up with. A few people know my plan, don't spoil it.
Ishmael1010, I'm really happy for you, and imma let you make a completed thread later, but let me just say that making a worklog is one of the best ideas of all time. OF ALL TIME.

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