Searching For Services To Make A Portable PS2

I have a PS2 Slim and wanted to look for someone who would be willing to turn it into a portable console. My hope would be that I could find someone who is familiar with the Knight Raizer and would be willing to construct something like that for me. I found the aspect of booting a thumb drive to work well for me.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Doing a quick google of that portable, looks like it uses the Laserdoodle as a case, as popularized by Hailrazer's Darth64 and DreamTrooper portables.
I have no idea how to solder or anything like that, so that's why I'm searching for someone who would like to make it for me. I would have no problem paying for parts and services.
The LaserDoodle is probably the hardest and worse case to work with.

My advice is to just get someone to make a PS2 portable from a vacuum formed case.

But there are very few modders who can/will make a PS2 portable. Expect to pay around $1000