I'm creating my first portable and accidentally scratched some traces in the progress, is this bad?
And if so do I have to use thin wire like kynar wire to give continutity between them?
It seems as if those traces lead to the digital av port.
It might not matter if the are broken but I could be wrong. Just make sure they aren’t bridged with an other layer of the mobo. Maybe use some clear nailpolish to coat the scratch and isolate it.
Yeah that trace that I think was cut was from the digital port I'm not going to be using for this portable but I'll try taking a better picture to show you guys if I've made a deep cut
Test the continuity of the traces with a multi-meter. Are you going to cut the board for your portable? You might end up cutting it off completely anyway. Good luck with this portable though. I will be watching for it.
Thanks and sadly i don't have a multi meter yet since im know a lot about the modding scene but this is my first time actually putting what i've learned to the test.